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New posts in webrequest

What are valid values for the MediaType Property on a HttpWebRequest

C# How to "check on", "cancel", and wait on Async WebRequests?

Android webrequest simple solution

android webrequest

WebRequest.Create improperly decodes url

c# unicode webrequest

RequestScope() and Kernel.Get<> in Ninject

How can I avoid a "Bad Request - Invalid Hostname" error when making a REST call from a Compact Framework client?

web request timeout handling?

making a GET request to a webservice from the playframework 2.0

Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host in C#

CHROME WebRequest APIs example error: "onBeforeRequest" can only be used in extension processes

HttpWebRequests Failing on Subsequent Calls

System.Net.WebRequest - Timeout error

Should WebRequest.CachePolicy work from code running within IIS?

Simple forwarding using Google Chrome webRequest API

WebRequest.Create throws IOException "The specified registry key does not exist."

Arguments HTTP Post c#

Why PreAuthenticate is not enabled by default?

instantiating an object from a web service vs instantiating an object from a regular class

c# asp.net webrequest

WebRequest GetResponseStream read bytes

WebRequest Strange NotFound Error