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Work around for live filtering 1500+ items with jQuery in Chrome

on webkit browsers typing into edit box causes scrolling

Webkit - dynamically created stylesheet - when does it really load?

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Controlling vertical scrolling and horizontal swiping on a list in an iOS web app with JavaScript

What is the engine of Android native browser?

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How can I react meaningfully to a changeAttributes: delegation pass-through from WebView?

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What does the "@" in this CSS statement mean?

css webkit

Detect desktop Safari's two-fingered swipe

javascript safari webkit

How to avoid WebKit contentEditable copy-paste resulting in unwanted CSS?

Python + webkit + gtk on windows

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CSS hyphenation language

localStorage not persisting in OSX app (Xcode 4.3)

IOS -webkit-overflow-scrolling scrolls on wrong axis, or not at all

ios webkit scroll direction

How do I use CSS transformations to slide a div on screen?

css ipad safari html webkit

Swipe between webpages for a webapp

css3 animation artifacts

html css webkit

Google Chrome Custom.css webkit-scrollbar no longer works

Mobile webkit memory consumption

javascript android ios webkit

How to change WebKit's error message for required HTML form fields

validation forms html webkit

Coverflow in HTML5 for iPhone/iPod Touch