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New posts in wear-os

Retrieving the name of wear device

android wear-os

Android wear Accelerometer/Gyro sensor


Bitmap scale destroy quality

Using GoogleApiClient from Push Notification IntentService to Send Data to Android Wear

Android Studio "mobile" and "wear" project modules, shared components location

Android Studio - Failed to refresh Gradle project - failed to find target 4.4w

How to set layout for topEmptyRegion in WearablListView?

listview wear-os

How do you add a watch module to an existing Android Studio project?

Unable to execute initial Android Wear Hello World App in eclipse

How to add Page Dots for 2D Pickers in Android Wear?

android wear-os

Building gradle for Wear App failed

Get Heart Rate from "Sensor" Samsung Gear Live

android wear-os

Is it possible to get PPG(Photoplethysmogram) data from a smart watch via android?

WearableListView setEnableGestureNavigation not available

Android Wear - access mobile shared preferences