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LoadError: cannot load such file -- selenium/webdriver/phantomjs

ruby selenium phantomjs watir

How to find the data-id in watir?

watir watir-webdriver

Ruby Watir Selenium WebDriver depricated warning

looping through a collection of divs in Watir

xpath watir

Scroll Firefox using Watir Webdriver

Firefox 4 with watir webdriver: Need help using helperApps.neverAsk to save CSV without prompting

Controlling new tab to operate using Watir? (Ruby)

ruby watir

How to click on link element with specific text using watir?

text click watir

Watir ... difference between sleep and wait

ruby watir watir-webdriver

watir webdriver: how to switch to another window open with target

Firefox in a docker container accessible from selenium in another

Watir can't find elements I see in Chrome's DOM Inspector

ruby watir watir-webdriver

Moving mouse (move_to) in ruby Selenium

Watir timing out when trying to find any elements after visiting webpage

Does Watir-Webdriver support clicking on links where the destination is a javascript?

ruby watir watir-webdriver

Can we using regular expression in xpath value?