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How to simulate CTRL+Click with watir-webdriver?

watir watir-webdriver

Watir Webdriver : Iterating table and storing its content in an array

Making sure I have a timeout set while using watir to wait for page load

ruby watir watir-webdriver

How do I check for text inside a <div>?

ruby watir firewatir

Watir: How to access a table without an ID or NAME

watir firewatir

data factory for cucumber, watir

How to find if a DOM element has an event listener with Ruby

Watir - drag and drop not working

ruby drag-and-drop watir

How can I get watir-webdriver and safariwatir working together?

Watir Submit :tag_name=>"button" not found

click submit watir

Scraping ajax enabled webpages

Why do Net:HTTP / HTTParty calls interrupt Watir-Webdriver script / Net::ReadTimeout error

How to get form values in browser to watir webdriver

watir ruby file upload windows interaction

watir button.enabled? always returns true value

ruby cucumber watir

Watir open multiple browser's or tab's

ruby watir watir-webdriver

Setting browser window size in Watir-webdriver

watir watir-webdriver