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New posts in watir-webdriver

Is it possible to globally increase Watir-Webdriver when_present wait time?

ajax watir-webdriver

watir-webdriver cookie jar saving and loading

How to set WATIR focus on new window

Accessing an element with no attributes in Watir

Save images from a website (with watir)

ruby watir watir-webdriver

A way around Element cannot be scrolled into view - Watir-webdriver with Ruby

How to handle tinyMCE when automating with watir-webdriver?

watir-webdriver checking table size rows and columns count

ruby watir watir-webdriver

How to determine browser type (IE, FF, Chrome, etc.)

phantomjs via watir-webdriver, not handling javascript alerts

How do I get watir-webdriver to start Firefox 4 with Firebug?

What are the limitations of mechanize? and what is the difference(s) between mechanize and watir

Watir. Scroll to a certain point of the page

Testing if a new window opens with Watir-Webdriver

How to get the number of elements having same attribute in HTML in Watir?

ruby watir watir-webdriver

Ruby - require 'watir-webdriver' - generates a LoadError no such file... Why?

watir-webdriver phantomjs and ghostdriver

How to execute Multiple cucumber feature files using tags

cucumber watir-webdriver

Timeout Errors when running tests Cucumber/Watir

cucumber watir-webdriver