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New posts in wai-aria

aria-live and JAWS

Do I need role="button" on a <button>?

Why does `ul` have ARIA role `menu` but `menuitem` is forbidden for `li`?

html accessibility wai-aria

Is there an online emulating screen reader tool to test against a custom web page? [closed]

WAI-ARIA Roles for Carousels (a.k.a. sliders, slideshows, galleries)

Proper ARIA handling of breadcrumb navigation

Are there reasons not to use ARIA states and roles as selectors in CSS?

html css wai-aria

Can you use an <aside> element inside a <section role="main"> element?

html accessibility wai-aria

How to keep focus within modal dialog?

HTML5 main element versus ARIA landmark role="main"

html accessibility wai-aria

Should role="contentinfo" be always added on footer element?

html footer wai-aria

When to use the required attribute vs the aria-required attribute for input elements?

What is the meaning of the 'aria-describedby' property?

html xhtml wai-aria

Accessibility: what can aria-haspopup be used for?

What is a WAI-ARIA compliant implementation for navigation bar/menu

Difference between aria-live="assertive" and aria-live="polite"


When to use the disabled attribute vs the aria-disabled attribute for HTML elements?

React props - set isRequired on a prop if another prop is null / empty

javascript reactjs wai-aria

What is the difference between aria-label and title attributes?

How to bind dynamic data to aria-label?