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New posts in vuex-modules

Vuex inside nuxt app throws "Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers"!

How to use Vue plugin in Store?

Nuxt, splitting up Vuex store into separate files gives error: unknown mutation type: login

Accessing vuex module state from another module

Vuex mapstate object undefined and "[vuex] unknown mutation type: "

Vuex reusable module pattern. Using function for state not working

vue.js vuex vuex-modules

Vuex: createNamespacedHelpers with dynamic namespace

Access module from Vuex Store

Vuex action dispatch problem with electron

Vuex unregisterModule what does it do?

How to use setTimeout on vuex action?

How to create getters and setters for vuex namespaced module state

Is there a way to get the name of the nameSpaced vuex module inside its action or mutation?

Can not debounce action within other action in Vuex

NuxtServerInit not working on Vuex module mode - Nuxt.js

Can I use "this" in mapMutations spread inside Vue instance methods?

Vuex-module-decorator, modifying state inside an action

vue.js vuex vuex-modules

Making only one module persistent with vuex-persistedstate