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New posts in voting

Weighted voting system with karma

php algorithm voting

How can I make remember voting with cookies easier than this?

php mysql ajax cookies voting

Programming strategies for allowing anonymous / unauthenticated voting on web sites

Untraceable voting for registered users [closed]

security voting

How to mitigate against bandwagon effect (voting behavior) in my ranking system?

math formula ranking voting

Up/down voting script

php mysql rating voting

Counting number of positive and negative votes:

php mysql voting

Secure voting system with php without login

php cookies ip voting vote

Stack Overflow / reddit voting system in php

php voting

A Ranking algorithm

Rating/Voting and Tag APIs, do they exist?

Voting - Number of votes vs Vote percent?

math voting rating-system

Designing a Django voting system without using accounts

How do you structure a database that allows voting similar to how stackoverflow does it?

What are the implications of offering a public voting system (no sign-in required)?


Best way to implement voting in a Rails application?

ruby-on-rails voting

How should I order these "helpful" scores?

Voting algorithm: how to calculate rank?

which rails voting system gem has the following features?

What is the "make everyone happy" voting algorithm? [closed]

algorithm voting