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New posts in voiceover

How to make a UISearchBar's bookmarks icon accessible?

Apple VoiceOver reading words as acronyms. Can this be controlled?

Custom VoiceOver actions in UITableViewCell

VoiceOver parent and child views as accessibility elements

iPhone - make VoiceOver announce label text change

iphone wai-aria voiceover

Applescript to "paste" clipboard

macos applescript voiceover

iOS Accessibility for CollectionView in a TableViewCell

How can I override a screen-reader's pronunciation of a word in a sentence without having it pause mid-sentence?

Incrementing a `role="spinbutton"` with Voiceover

setting an accessibilityLabel on a UIImageView contained in UITableView header

Simulate Voiceover page load in single-page pushState web application

Can you force a screen reader to read numbers as individual digits?

Prevent background items from receiving focus while modal overlay is covering them?

Moving Accessibility Voiceover cursor focus to a specific element

For iOS, Safari, VoiceOver, how do I get VoiceOver to read something other than the text content?

VoiceOver doesn't scroll elements out of view properly

html voiceover

Move accessibility focus programmatically

Accessibility Focus

Blind programmer: designing an interface in Xcode without being able to visually position UI elements

xcode interface voiceover