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How can I get Visual Studio to error check my code (show the squiggles) without explicitly compiling?

Comment pop-up windows for C++ (Visual Studio), similar to Eclipse and Javadoc

How to open Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop (C++)? [closed]

Visual Studio Express 2013: How to create project with existing C++ source files ?

c++ visual-studio-express

What's missing from Visual C++ 2010 Express? [duplicate]

Changing target framework

How can I make my Visual Studio look like this?

Attach to process in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web

watch console output panel in visual studio while running a XNA game

How to compile Qt for 64-bit Windows from a 32-bit environment with Visual C++ 2010 Express?

Debugging WPF : Tools and Techniques

Prototyping and simulating embedded software on Windows

Has Microsoft removed Visual Studio 2012 Express links for good? [closed]

Automatically Kill IIS Express Process After Debugging (VS Express 2013 Web)

How to disable exception assistant and unhandled exception popup in Visual Studio 2008 Express

How to turn on Break on All Exceptions in Visual Web Developer Express

Opening non-express VS projects with Visual Studio 2010 Express

No template for Windows Phone 8.1 in Visual Studio Express 2013 with Update 2 RC

Can't Run Tests in VS2012