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New posts in visual-studio-app-center

How can I send a silent notifications using app center push service

How can I use set Environment Variables in Xamarin.Forms from App Center

##[error]Error: The process '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/5_18_2/bin/msbuild' failed with exit code 1

Build fails in Visual Studio App Center for Xamarin iOS: Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe

Build error when using Akavache + Mobile Center in a UWP project

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) - HTTP V1 API or Legacy HTTP API?

Where can I enter my app specific password on appcenter.ms testflight integration?

How to push IPA to App Center Distribute from Continuous Integration Server

ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() -> onAvailable(Network network) method is not triggered when device connects to a internal wifi network

Why would I get "Not a valid keystore file" error

App center build, Error: /usr/bin/jarsigner failed with return code: 1

Flutter iOS build on the App Center fails with error: "Invalid Podfile file: Generated.xcconfig must exist

App Center Push vs Notification Hub

Is fastlane still needed with VS Appcenter?

Increment Build & Version Number of Android App using Azure DevOps & App Centre

Use .env variables to set up appcenter on a react-native app

App not installed error when using app center distribution for android

What's the principal difference between MS AppCenter and Azure DevOps (former VSTS)?