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New posts in visual-studio-2005

Would you like to continue and run the last successful build? [closed]

How do you build the x64 Boost libraries on Windows?

Database Deployment Strategies (SQL Server)

How does the "Using" statement translate from C# to VB?

configurationManager does not exist in the namespace System.Configuration

VS2005: Assembly '<assembly>' is incorrectly specified as a file.

What are some reasons a Release build would run differently than a Debug build [closed]

What does the suffix #DEN mean on the value of a variable

Determine assembly version during a post-build event

Formatting - at once - all the files in a Visual Studio project

Can we execute a .bat file in post build event command line in visual studio?

Renaming the containing project folder in VS.net under TFS

Visual Studio identical token highlighting

How to change Visual Studio exception message language to English while debugging [duplicate]

c# visual-studio-2005

Export all symbols when creating a DLL

The name 'controlname' does not exist in the current context

How to set up Google C++ Testing Framework (gtest) with Visual Studio 2005

Exclude files from web site publish in Visual Studio

Configure Visual Studio to use UNIX line endings

Attach Debugger to IIS instance