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New posts in vision

Detect table with OpenCV

Phash vs. SIFT in identifying similar image [closed]

image process sift vision phash

Computer vision datasets [closed]

computer-vision vision

Detect circles width vision framework on ios11?

vision ios11

Using OpenCV to detect parking spots

is there a way that Cloud Function can deal with long run operation?

OpenCV with stereo 3D reconstruction

How to get the current frame (as a Bitmap) for android facedetector in a Tracker event?

android vision

Is number recognition on iPhone possible in real-time?

iphone ocr tesseract vision

Error: (gcloud.alpha.functions.deploy) ResponseError: status=[403], code=[Forbidden], message=[Cannot access Google Cloud Functions API in project

api cloud ocr vision

Implementing Sobel Operator

c++ opencv vision

Industrial vision camera with Python [closed]

cv2.rectangle: TypeError: Argument given by name ('thickness') and position (4)

Retrieving the current frame number in OpenCV

c++ opencv frame vision

Detect rectangular portraits of people on images with OpenCV

Is it possible to run opencv (python binding) from a virtualenv?

What is the mAP metric and how is it calculated? [closed]