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Computer vision datasets [closed]

I am testing computer vision algorithms for image categorization. I would like to find a dataset with a few categories of objects e.g. cats and dogs. This dataset should have all the variability within each class be due to the class's intrinsic variability. That is, I don't want to have to worry about pictures taken from different viewpoints or under different lighting conditions etc. Almost all the variability within a category should be due to the intrinsic variability of that category e.g. the category of cats would contain many different images because cats actually look different from one another, not because the images were produced under different conditions.

Preferably, the objects will be "cut out" (on a uniform background). The size of the dataset is not important. Synthetic images (perhaps produced with 3D graphics software) are also ok. The images need to come labeled with their category.

Does anyone know of a dataset like this?

like image 480
innocuousQualia Avatar asked Mar 29 '11 14:03


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One of the popular datasets for Computer Vision projects, ImageNet provides an accessible image database which is organised according to the WordNet hierarchy. There are more than 100,000 synsets in WordNet where ImageNet provides an average of 1,000 images to illustrate each synset in the WordNet.

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Roboflow hosts free public computer vision datasets in many popular formats (including CreateML JSON, COCO JSON, Pascal VOC XML, YOLO v3, and Tensorflow TFRecords). For your convenience, we also have downsized and augmented versions available.

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1 Answers

Computer Vision Online seems to have a very comprehensive list of CV and image processing datasets: http://computervisiononline.com/datasets

like image 194
bjoernz Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
