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Vpim::Vcard - Parsing vcard 2.1

ruby vcf-vcard

Associate file types for vcard with an iPhone application

iphone ios vcf-vcard

Share contact book from java application with CardDAV

java android iphone vcf-vcard

Adding vCard to Contacts in iOS 13

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How to import multiple contacts vCard VCF file into Outlook?

Read table with comment lines starting with "##"

r read.table vcf-vcard

Python Library to Generate VCF Files? [closed]

python vcf-vcard

How to save contact info from vCard into iPhone's Contacts App

Vcard parser with Python

python parsing vcf-vcard

Create VCF file with "PHOTO" imported using URL linking to an image file


Android how to send multiple contacts are attached in single .vcf file and send to mail?

android contacts vcf-vcard

android vcard string to contact

Creating a multiple phone vCard using vObject

python vcf-vcard vobject

How to import multiple .vcf file programmatically in android?

Create link that adds vCard direct to Address book

mobile vcf-vcard

UTF8 Encoding with vCards in Windows

encoding utf-8 vcf-vcard

How to generate a .vcf file from an object which contains contact detail and object is not in the phone book

java android vcf-vcard

Can somebody recommend a good gem for contact handling? [closed]

iPhone | Send vCard via simple SMS

iPhone: how to get safari to recognize a vcard?

iphone safari vcf-vcard