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How to import multiple contacts vCard VCF file into Outlook?

I have multiple contacts vCard VCF file created on my Android device and I would like to import it to Outlook 2010. It seems that Outlook doesn't support multiple contacts VCF file and import just first contact from such file. Is there any way to import my 1000 contacts from such VCF file into Outlook 2010?

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hoggar Avatar asked Jul 05 '14 12:07


People also ask

Can a VCF file have multiple contacts?

A single VCF file can contain contact information for one or multiple contacts. A VCF file usually contains information such as contact's name, address, phone number, email, birthday, photographs and audio in addition to a number of other fields.

How import all the contacts from VCF file?

On your Android phone or tablet, open the Contacts app . At the bottom, tap Fix & manage Import from file. If you have multiple accounts on your device, pick the account where you want to save the contacts. Find and select the VCF file to import.

2 Answers

I found an ok but not great solution to importing multiple *.vcf files into Win10 Outlook 2017 which does not require a plugin (but is a little mandrolic).

  1. Open up your contracts in outlook's
  2. Select all the contracts you want to import in the folder
  3. Drag and drop these contracts files onto Outlook's contact area
  4. Outlook will open each contact and you need to close each one click "yes" to saving the contents

It's a bugger closing and saving all the contact windows that pop up. But it work well for my 50 or so contracts and didn't require me installing any third-party extensions.

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pev.hall Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10


After many tries with different 3-rd party software this workaround did the job just fine and simple:

  1. Import file (from leftside menu "Import contacts") to Google Contacts https://contacts.google.com/ in a group named "Imported [date]" is automatically created
  2. Export (from top menu "More") "Imported [date]" group as Outlook CSV format
  3. Import it to Outlook: File/Open/Import/Import from another program or file/Comma Separated Values/ Choose source file/Choose destination Outlook folder/Finish

Note that Outlook failed to open the CSV file until I removed some contacts with Chinese characters.

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hoggar Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
