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New posts in vb6

VBA data layer error handling

excel vba vb6 error-handling

Visual Basic 6 Array as Argument

Understanding a piece of code

vb.net vb6

String length with embeded null in vb.net

vb.net vb6 string-length

String(33, 0) in VB 6.0 and equivalent in C#

c# vb6

compile error: user-defined type not defined


Is using the null conditional operator in a destructor bad practice?

c# .net vb6

VB6 Date data type: precision and formatting

datetime vb6 formatting types

Errors adding items to a VBA/VB6 Collection

VB6 syntax problem, "no current record" error

sql syntax vb6 ado recordset

Deleting certain character from right and left of a string in vb6 (TrimChar)

string vb6

For Each Loop Exits Immediately


We have migrated VB6 code to C# in .net

c# vb6 vb6-migration

VB6 App + .Net component working as compiled app but not in VB6 IDE

.net vb6 interop

VB6 encrypt text using password

Finding build output in Visual Studio 6 (visual basic)


Accepting a Byte array, vb6 to C# interop

c# .net vb6 interop

Is it possible to call a VB function without the parenthesis?


How to find origin of a variable or function in a large visual basic project


How to set array of colors using vba?

vba vb6