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Vagrant: config.vm.provision does not allow me to copy a file to etc/nginx/conf.d?

Vagrant synced folder using NFS wrong permissions

Vagrant box: default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying

Getting The box 'hashicorp/precise32' could not be found on firing 'vagrant up' from terminal in ubuntu

vagrant vagrantfile

Vagrant: can't get NFS working

In Vagrant, can I set a provisioner to only ever run manually?

Is it possible to run a script on a virtual machine after Vagrant finishes provisioning all of them?

Share a single file in vagrant

vagrant vagrantfile

Vagrant: Get name of host OS

How to automatically install Ansible Galaxy roles, using Vagrant?

How to map docker ports using vagrant 1.6 and the docker provider

"rsync" was not detected as installed in your guest machine

Store Vagrant VM in custom folder

Cannot make outbound HTTP Requests from vagrant VM

php linux vagrant vagrantfile

Invalid configured shell error when running the official FreeBSD vagrant box