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New posts in vagrantfile

How to specify provisioner defaults in Vagrant for multi-machine environments?

vagrant vagrantfile

Unable to login to vagrant with vagrant up after setting up ssh keys

Conditionally call different provision in Vagrantfile

vagrant vagrantfile

Homestead cant access second site remotely

How do I set up a Vagrant box to always have a cron job?

cron vagrant vagrantfile

Multiple ansible versions on same laptop

Vagrant file resync: Vagrant Box does not update new content in text editor

Vagrant box could not be found error

Is it possible to load a Vagrantfile config from within another Vagrantfile?

vagrant vagrantfile

Run code in Vagrantfile only if provisioning

vagrant vagrantfile

vagrant synced folders not working real-time on virtualbox

Set host name for Vagrant VM in Ansible

vagrant ansible vagrantfile

Vagrant: multiple playbooks for ansible provisioner

Vagrant synced folder options

Centos7 with private network lost fixed IP

vagrant vagrantfile centos7

Having problems accessing port 5000 in Vagrant

vagrant - Vagrantfile: sync multiple folders

Why is the default Vagrant shared folder empty?

How do I set the SMB username and password?

windows vagrant vagrantfile

Multiple providers in a single vagrant file?

vagrant vagrantfile