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Why is the default Vagrant shared folder empty?

The /vagrant directory is empty. It should contain the workspace where my Vagrantfile is located. I can cd /vagrant, but it's empty.


VAGRANT_BOX_NAME = 'nomades.local'

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
  config.vm.box = 'bento/centos-6.7'
  config.vm.box_check_update = false
  config.vm.hostname = VAGRANT_BOX_NAME

  config.vm.define VAGRANT_BOX_NAME do |dev|
    dev.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |v|
      v.name = VAGRANT_BOX_NAME
      v.memory = 512
      v.cpus = 2
      v.gui = true
      v.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--ioapic', 'on', '--vram', '16']

    # Réseau (penser à configurer son /etc/hosts pointant vers cette ip)
    dev.vm.network 'private_network', ip: ''

    # In order to use VPN
    # dev.vm.network 'public_network', ip: ''

    # Provision
    dev.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
      ansible.groups = {
          'vagrant' => [VAGRANT_BOX_NAME],
          'servers' => [VAGRANT_BOX_NAME],
      ansible.playbook = 'provision/provision.yml'
      ansible.sudo = true
like image 782
sab Avatar asked Jul 27 '16 16:07


People also ask

What is vagrant shared folder?

Vagrant automatically syncs files to and from the guest machine. This way you can edit files locally and run them in your virtual development environment. By default, Vagrant shares your project directory (the one containing the Vagrantfile) to the /vagrant directory in your guest machine.

Where can I find Vagrantfile?

Vagrantfile in your Vagrant home directory (defaults to ~/. vagrant. d ). This lets you specify some defaults for your system user.

1 Answers

This happens when vagrant can't modify /etc/fstab and tries to mount the current working directory from the host. Make sure it has permissions to mount the directory.

Run this on the Vagrant guest VM, then logout.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxadd setup

Run this on the host.

$ sudo vagrant reload
$ vagrant ssh
like image 54
acsrujan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 06:10
