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New posts in utf8mb4

How to preserve UTF8mb4 data with mysqldump?

mysql sql database utf8mb4

mysql change innodb_large_prefix

mysql innodb utf8mb4

Google Cloud Sql Second Generation Utf8Mb4 Encoding

Can I safely use a utf8mb4 connection with utf8 columns?

php mysql pdo utf-8 utf8mb4

Can and/or should I declare meta charset utf8mb4

html utf-8 utf8mb4

MySQL don't want to store unicode character

mysql unicode utf8mb4

How can I search by emoji in MySQL using utf8mb4?

mysql sql emoji utf8mb4

Can php detect 4-byte encoded utf8 chars?

php utf8mb4

How to remove 4 byte utf-8 characters in Ruby?

Utf8_general_ci or utf8mb4 or...?

MySQL throws Incorrect string value error

mysql hibernate utf-8 utf8mb4

MySQL VARCHAR(255) UTF8 is too long for key, but max length is 1000 bytes

mysql utf8mb4

How to insert utf-8 mb4 character(emoji in ios5) in mysql?

iphone mysql ios5 utf8mb4

ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4'

MySQL utf8mb4, Errors when saving Emojis

mysql emoji utf8mb4

"Incorrect string value" when trying to insert UTF-8 into MySQL via JDBC?

mysql jdbc utf-8 utf8mb4

What is the difference between utf8mb4 and utf8 charsets in MySQL?