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New posts in utf-8

Searching for greek characters within a PDF document

Why doesn't setting the locale fix this UnicodeError?

python unicode utf-8 locale

ruby, `match': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

ruby utf-8

Prevent XSLT transform from converting utf-8 XML into utf-16?

Python encoded utf-8 string \xc4\x91 in Java

Perl convert a filehandle in-place/streaming from cp1252 to utf-8?

perl utf-8

Boost.Locale and isprint

c++ c++11 boost utf-8

What's the difference between "URIEncoding" of Tomcat, Encoding Filter and request.setCharacterEncoding

PHP declare encoding

php encoding utf-8 declare

UTF-8 won't persist on Hibernate + MySQL

java mysql hibernate utf-8

Python regex match fails with UTF-8 characters

Git: Diff does not handles character encoding other than UTF-8?

UnicodeError error when calling Django i18n makemessages command

How to read UTF-8 encoded text file using std::ifstream?

fasttext cannot load training txt file

python windows utf-8 fasttext

Rails/Ruby 1.9: Is there a better way to put Unicode in source files than sticking # encoding at the top of every file

ruby-on-rails utf-8

Allow only some letters, ban special characters ($% etc.) except others (' -)

php regex unicode utf-8

PHP 5.4 on Linux: How to connect with MS SQL Server 2008?

MOXy JAXB marshals invalid control characters for Unicode (u+2019) when UTF-8 encoding is specified

json utf-8 jaxb marshalling moxy

Anything wrong with using windows-1252 instead of UTF-8