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New posts in using-statement

Refactoring: using statement without scope, when does the implicit `Dispose` call happen?

Using statement in Visual Basic

I don't quite understand the workings of using/Disposable objects

Why is a variable declared in a using statement treated as readonly?

Is there a quick way to remove using statements in C#?

Can the using statement be replaced by curly braces?

Which is better, and when: using statement or calling Dispose() on an IDisposable in C#?

Global "using" directives in VS2010/C#?

using(IDisposable obj = new ...) in C# to write code blocks in stream (e.g. XML)

A question of style/readability regarding the C# "using" statement

C# using statement

c# using using-statement

C# 'using' statement question

Using-statement with async call | Cancel operation?

Is there a way to have a using statement with dynamically-created targets?

C# network programming and resource usage

using statement on IDisposable object - delay of calling Dispose method

Disposables, Using & Try/Catch Blocks

c# .net using-statement

What does using(object obj = new Object()) mean?

c# .net using-statement

Is Try/Catch/finally required with the Using statement in order to handle exceptions?

When Using statement should be used?

c# using-statement