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New posts in usage-statistics

Software usage analytics in C# [closed]

Get all installed apps in android 11 (API 30) , how to get all other apps installed in android 11?

Usage Tracking for Windows desktop applications [closed]

Android BatteryManager Alternatives

iPhone/iPad data usage tracking

TrafficStats Api android and calculation of daily data usage

Getting CPU and Memory usage of a docker container from within the dockerized application

How to retrieve All and Running application sizes, CPU usage programmatically?

Statistical Profiling in Python

How to switch off Google "Analytics Ping" in Eclipse

Interpretation of "stat_summary = mean_cl_boot" at ggplot2?

r ggplot2 usage-statistics

Android: UsageStatsManager not returning correct daily results

how to get the battery usage details of installed apps? [duplicate]

Data on number of users of each version of Mac OS X? [closed]

macos usage-statistics

How do I programmatically show data usage of all applications?

Find out usage statistics of MySQL indices?

Check if my application has usage access enabled

android usage-statistics

Android Usage Access for Android 5 Samsung devices

How to create a Service which continuously monitors app usage information?