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Common term for hostname and IP address?

http uri terminology

Normalizing URI to make it work correctly with MakeRelativeUri

.net vb.net uri normalization

Obtaining phone number from lookup URI

Absolute URL from relative path

c uri relative-url

java.net.URI resolve against only query string

java uri

content://mms-sms/conversations/ return NullPointerException at Android ICS Samsung

How to convert URL toURI when there are unwise characters?

java http url uri

URIError: malformed URI sequence?

Android - can i open Instagram app on given hashtag?

Incorrect new Uri(base, relative) behaviour in .NET

.net constructor uri

why does colon ":" in Uri passed to Uri.MakeRelativeUri cause an exception?

c# uri

Brackets in a Request URL are legal but not in a URI (Java)?

java url servlets uri

Retrieving Data of last added event from android calendar

How can I modify/update a java.net.URI object?

java uri updates

Skype URI's not Working in iOS 9

ios uri ios9 skype skype-uri.js

Why does Java automatically decode %2F in URI encoded filenames?

java file encoding uri

Sending username and password to web service

service passwords uri

Android How to get a single song's ID info from a know URI

android media-player uri

DocumentFile.exists() on a path that doesn't yet exist always returns true due to DocumentFile().fromTreeUri()

java android uri documentfile

System.Uri drops Unicode RLM (Right-to-Left Mark; U+200F) character in .NET 4.5+

c# unicode uri