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Upsert Array Elements matching criteria in a MongoDB document?

arrays mongodb upsert


Bulk update/upsert in MongoDB?

How to get Inserted or selected row id in postgres using python

python postgresql upsert

CoreData - Is there a good way to upsert items?

Get Id from a conditional INSERT

Upsert (update or insert) in Sybase ASE?

sql sap-ase upsert

MERGE Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint

Mongodb upsert throwing DuplicateKeyException

spring mongodb upsert

Eloquent / Laravel: How to get last insert/update ID/instance of updateOrCreate()?

Bulk Upsert with SQLAlchemy Postgres

How do I force an INSERT into a table with a unique key if it's already in the table?

mysql insert-update upsert

If Record Exists, Update Else Insert

PostgreSQL - CTE upsert returning modified rows

PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT with a WHERE clause

PostgreSQL upsert: do nothing if fields don't change

sql postgresql upsert

get mongodb _id object after upsert with php

php mongodb upsert

How do I Insert or Update (or overwrite) a record using NHibernate?

MongoDB: update dictionary in document

mongodb dictionary upsert

Can INSERT [...] ON CONFLICT be used for foreign key violations?