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New posts in unusernotificationcenter

Multiple UNUserNotifications not firing

How to detect if user has taken action local notification or remote notification?

UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getDeliveredNotifications only returns empty array

Why are notifications not removed with removeDeliveredNotifications?

Cannot open URL from notification action handler

iOS Swift Receive Push Notification When App in Foreground

Local Notificaton not working in simulator iOS10.0

How to cancel a local notification trigger in Swift

Are silent remote push notifications deprecated in iOS 11?

How to handle UNNotificationAction when app is closed?

Springboard crashing when adding a lot of triggers to UNUserNotificationCenter

Local notifications are not firing in ios10

Detect if app was launched by opening a local notification on iOS10+

iOS 10 UserNotifications custom sound in background mode

UNUserNotificationCenter didReceive response not called when app is terminated