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New posts in unit-testing

Should I assert the count or the result explicitly?

c# unit-testing tdd nunit

How to call a private constructor of an abstract class for mocking.

How to unit test spy on $emit in a directive?

TPL Dataflow Blocks using LinkTo Predicate

Mocking $routeParams in a test in order to change its attributes dynamically

nUnit Test interdependencies/hierarchies

unit-testing nunit

Phpunit, expecting a method exactly run two times

php unit-testing phpunit

How do I access methods in React for unit testing

In python is there a way to patch a list similiar to using patch.dict?

python unit-testing

Stub dynamic finder using spock

How to simulate window scrolling in a Angular Unit Test?

cucumber Repeat steps

unit-testing cucumber

Why is unit testing so important in agile? [closed]

unit-testing agile

How to mock membership provider

Python Mock patch.multiple argument names

python unit-testing mocking

How to test a function inside a function?

Validating HTTP Response Codes in PHPUnit

php unit-testing phpunit

Do I need to create an instance of class to be tested with unittest?

iOS: how to run XCTest on device?

ios unit-testing xctest

Robolectric 3.0 - Resource not resolved when using applicationIdSuffix