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Rails shows IP as when accessed from private NIC, but Nginx shows the correct IP. Public IP gets forwarded fine

Unicorn USR2 Restart Hanging Problems

Is it necessary to put Unicorn behind Nginx ( or Apache)

Address family not supported by protocol family

ruby unicorn

Configuring Unicorn & Sidekiq correctly on Heroku

Unicorn restart/upgrade doesn't work


On Heroku, Cedar, with Unicorn: Getting ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected

multiple rails apps on nginx and unicorn

start unicorn app server when the ubuntu server starts

What can I do about unicorn::clientshutdown errors on my heroku rails app?

Ruby, Unicorn, and environment variables

How to configure ActionCable with Nginx and Unicorn in production?

How can I host multiple Rails apps with nginx and Unicorn?

Unicorn + Rails + Large Uploads

Unicorn triggers mongoid error during assets precompile

Rails stops responding if Idle

ruby-on-rails nginx unicorn

unicorn nginx upstream server not starting

ubuntu nginx unicorn

Stream console output through HTTP (with Ruby)

ruby sinatra unicorn

Ruby readpartial and read_nonblock not throwing EOFError