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New posts in underscore.js

Using _.some | _.any properly for lo-dash or underscore

can I include a text/template script from a src?

Lodash Debounce not debouncing

Using loops in backbone/underscore's templates

Underscore.js Templates Within JSP

jsp underscore.js

Map an array of arrays

Is there an indexOf in javascript to search an array with custom compare function

obj.length === +obj.length in javascript

javascript underscore.js

Get object keys for filtered values

javascript underscore.js

Inside Express/EJS templates, what is cleanest way to loop through an array?

Underscore.js find unique values in array of objects; Return unique items and their count

Removing Item from array with Underscore.js

javascript underscore.js

Update if exists or add new element to array of objects - elegant way in javascript + lodash

How can I use lodash/underscore to sort by multiple nested fields?

merge two arrays of keys and values to an object using underscore

javascript underscore.js

Straightforward way to generate code with Mongoose and Node.js and Underscore?

Does the chain function in underscore.js create a monad?

Array Of JS Dates How To Group By Days

Underscore.js Case Insensitive Sorting

How is a functional programming-based JavaScript app laid out?