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New posts in underscore.js

How to compare an array to an array of arrays?

jQuery function to compute the difference between two JavaScript objects

Localizing templates using require.js, backbone and underscore

debugging underscore.js templates is difficult without line numbers


Count and sort by number of occurrences


Clean way to map an array in node.js or JavaScript

How to get first n elements of an object with underscore?


Underscore equivalent of _.pick for arrays

Very basic Backbone/Underscore via Require.js issue driving me batty

Underscore templating: Can't get switch to work

Lodash: Filter array of objects and check if not null

Merge two objects and overwrite the values if conflict

javascript underscore.js

Using underscore groupby to group an array of cars by their colour

Javascript underscore array to object

How to iterate through objects within array in Lodash

How can I defer a jQuery each loop

when passing a variable into a backbone template, how to reference it in the template?

Using underscore.js for null checking

javascript underscore.js

Equivalent of Ruby Enumerable#each_slice in Javascript?

javascript underscore.js

Underscore Debounce Calling Multiple Times