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New posts in uglifyjs

How to include additional ES6 sources in Angular app

Webpack UglifyJS remove dead code, but don't minimize code

webpack uglifyjs

How to enable minified JavaScript files in Play 2.3.1 templates?

Gulp: Generate sourcemaps for both minified and non-minified scripts

`warnings` is not a supported option, Error from UglifyJs

webpack uglifyjs

Angularjs minification using grunt uglify resulting in js error

Gulp uglify breaking angular application

Unexpected token punc «(», expected punc when creating chunk from UglifyJS

Using UglifyJs on the whole Node project?

Does it make sense to do both minify and uglify?

webpack 4 disable uglifyjs-webpack-plugin

Reverse Uglified Javascript Code

javascript uglifyjs

Uglify-js doesn't mangle variable names

How to integrate uglify-es in grunt?

ERROR in bundle.js from UglifyJs Name expected

UglifyJS: concat and minify or viceversa?

How do I remove comments using the RequireJS optimizer?

Why does this JavaScript work?

javascript uglifyjs

Disable uglyfying in r.js