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How to pass in the done() parameter on an async jest test.each case

jestjs ts-jest

"SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" when writing test with typescript with lit-html

How to mock a node module that doesn't exist yet?

typescript jestjs ts-jest

Jest & TypeScript: VS Code can't find names

Where should I put the index.d.ts file?

typescript jestjs tsc ts-jest

How to use jest.spyOn with React function component using Typescript

How to let TypeScript know about custom Jest matchers?

NestJS Jest cannot find module with absolute path

node.js jestjs nestjs ts-jest

Typeorm decorator is not a function

Nest can't resolve dependencies in the RootTestModule context when I use Bazel Test

ts-jest fails to run a tsx test file because of "Import" from a module's js file

Visual Studio Code won't properly step on TypeScript code

Vuetify Jest Unknown custom element <v-*>

TypeError: Jest: a transform must export a `process` function

Jest passing tests but --covering option not picking up files

Configure jest timeout once for all tests

jestjs ts-jest

Jest test passed but get Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at the end

node.js testing jestjs ts-jest

TypeError: Jest: a transform must export something

jestjs ts-jest

How to get a Jest custom matcher working in typescript?

Cannot find name 'it' in Jest TypeScript

typescript npm jestjs ts-jest