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New posts in try-with-resources

Exception thrown during try-with-resources declaration

java try-with-resources

Bad practice in JDK's try-with-resources example? [duplicate]

java try-with-resources

Is using a lambda a safe, correct, and equivalent workaround for classes that do not implement AutoCloseable?

What is the best way to emulate try-with-resources in Java 6?

java try-with-resources

Is there a cleaner way to use try-with-resource and PreparedStatement?

Best design pattern for managing asymmetrical resource use

Java try-with-resources syntax irregularity

Why StAX classes were not retrofitted for ARM in Java 7

Array or collection of "Autocloseable" in Java8

Can my AutoCloseable.close() implementation detect a potential exception?

Is the close method on a try-with-resources idiom not called if a constructor throws an exception?

java try-with-resources

Try With Resources Not Supported at This Language Level

Try-with-resources equivalent in Java 1.6

Is using try-with-resources without a new object instance bad form?

java try-with-resources

Why doesn't this code close JDBC connections? (Java 7 Autocloseable unexpected behavior)

Why close method of java.lang.AutoCloseable throws Exception, but close method of java.io.Closeable throws IOException?

What is the state of the art in socket handling with Java 1.7?

Possible null pointer exception on autocloseable idiom

java try-with-resources

What on earth is "Self-suppression not permitted" and why is Javac generating code which results in this error?

Try / Try-with-resources and Connection, Statement and ResultSet closing