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Objective-C: Creating Instance from Class Reference

Algorithm to print out a shuffled list, in-place and with O(1) memory

algorithm theory shuffle

Why aren't (C++) virtual destructors enforced for a base class

Why I can't see a real point for using OOP? [duplicate]

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Split down a number in seconds to days, hours, minutes, and seconds?

math logic theory modulus

Why is P ⊆ co-NP?

Alternative Entropy Sources

theory random entropy

Are Ruby 1.9 regular expressions equally powerful to a context free grammar?

Turing completeness of lambda calculus?

(function eval () {}) throws a syntax error if function body is in strict mode?

javascript theory

Why can't a null-reference exception name the object that has a null reference?

Is dynamic programming backtracking with cache

Recovering built-in methods that have been overwritten

javascript browser theory

How can a HashSet offer constant time add operation?

algorithm hash theory hashset

OOP Game Design Theory

c++ oop theory game-engine

Why is an "unstable sort" considered bad

Pros and Cons explicitly setting enum field's values

.net theory

Balancing a Binary Tree (AVL)

Difference between strongly and weakly typed languages?


What is the difference between a subroutine and a function? [duplicate]