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How to retrieve list of child tasks from a Product Backlog Item in TFS API?

c# .net tfs-sdk

Get the history "text" of a past work item edit

tfs tfs-sdk

TFS 2010 API, determine which build server a build is running on.

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Programatically forcing field values for a TFS WorkItem

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TFS API - WIQL - Query only returns id and url

json tfs tfs-sdk wiql

How to list all the files that are in TFS GIT repo using REST API

Listing All Changesets and Releated Work Items Belongs to Specific Project Between Specified Dates

changeset tfs-sdk

TFS WorkItemStore throws COMException in ASP.NET MVC app when using Authentication

Programmatically query permissions on a Git repository hosted on TFS

git tfs azure-devops tfs-sdk

Is the XML passed to TFS build event subscribers stored in TFS DB?

tfs tfs-sdk

TFS API - is there a way to get a list of the transitions for a workitem type?

c# tfs tfs-sdk

Get the latest check in number (latest changeset id)

c# tfs-sdk

How to get history of checkins/changsets for specific Team Project?

c# api tfs tfs-sdk

TfsConfigurationServer.GetService<VersionControlServer>() always returns null

c# .net tfs tfs-sdk

Access the Kanban Column (a Team-Specific Field) for a Work Item

tfs tfs-sdk kanban

Alternative to TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection taking ICredentialsProvider

.net tfs sdk tfs-sdk

Return newly created TFS work item ID using TFS API?

c#-4.0 tfs-sdk

How do you connect to a TFS server in C# using specific credentials?

c# authentication tfs tfs-sdk

How to Find TFS Changesets Not Linked to Work Items

tfs tfs-sdk