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New posts in text-mining

how can one increase size of plotted area wordclouds in R

Counting syllables

r text-mining

bigrams instead of single words in termdocument matrix using R and Rweka

r text text-mining

Adding custom stopwords in R tm

How to create a good NER training model in OpenNLP?

Row sum for large term-document matrix / simple_triplet_matrix ?? {tm package}

r text-mining

Better text documents clustering than tf/idf and cosine similarity?

Emoticons in Twitter Sentiment Analysis in r

Best clustering algorithm? (simply explained)

Use R to convert PDF files to text files for text mining

r text-mining tm pdftotext

Extract text after a symbol in R

regex r text-mining extraction

Large scale Machine Learning [closed]

How to find the closest word to a vector using word2vec

Data sets for emotion detection in text [closed]

R-Project no applicable method for 'meta' applied to an object of class "character"

r text-mining tm

R tm package invalid input in 'utf8towcs'

r utf-8 iconv text-mining

Using Sklearn's TfidfVectorizer transform

Detect text language in R

r text-mining

What is CoNLL data format?

How do I search for a pattern within a text file using Python combining regex & string/file operations and store instances of the pattern?