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New posts in tensorflow-datasets

Tensorflow Dataset API: dataset.batch(n).prefetch(m) prefetches m batches or samples?


Output differences when changing order of batch(), shuffle() and repeat()

how to apply imgaug augmentation to tf.dataDataset in Tensorflow 2.0

Does TensorFlow's `sample_from_datasets` still sample from a Dataset when getting a `DirectedInterleave selected an exhausted input` warning?

How to use tf.data.Dataset.apply() for reshaping the dataset

Loss goes up back to starting value after re-initializing dataset

How to use tf.data's initializable iterators within a tf.estimator's input_fn?

How to make custom loss with extra input in tensorflow 2.0

How to make tf.data.Dataset return all of the elements in one call?

Tensorflow 2 throwing ValueError: as_list() is not defined on an unknown TensorShape

Oversampling functionality in Tensorflow dataset API

Randomly sample from multiple tf.data.Datasets in Tensorflow

Restoring a Tensorflow model that uses Iterators

tf.data.Dataset.padded_batch pad differently each feature

How to cache data during the first epoch correctly (Tensorflow, dataset)?

How to use py_func with a function that returns dict

Tensorflow: How to find the size of a tf.data.Dataset API object

tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession and reinitializable iterator from Dataset

How to select specific columns from tensorflow dataset?

IDE breakpoint in TensorFlow Dataset API mapped py_function?