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New posts in tensorflow-datasets

Why training loss is increased at the beginning of each epoch?

Tensorflow/models uses COCO 90 class ids although COCO has only 80 categories

Distribute data from `tf.data.Dataset` to multiple workers (e.g. for Horovod)

Proper way to iterate tf.data.Dataset in session for 2.0

How to have predictions AND labels returned with tf.estimator (either with predict or eval method)?

Tensorflow dataset data preprocessing is done once for the whole dataset or for each call to iterator.next()?

Tensorflow keras with tf dataset input

How to use dataset.shard in tensorflow?

Can't use estimator + dataset and train for less than one epoch

Upgrade to tf.dataset not working properly when parsing csv

Adding Tensorboard summaries from graph ops generated inside Dataset map() function calls

TensorFlow tf.data.Dataset and bucketing

Produce balanced mini batch with Dataset API

How to change batch size dynamically in Tensorflow 2.0 Dataset?

TensorFlow - Read video frames from TFRecords file

Cannot batch tensors with different shapes in component 0 with tf.data.Dataset

Tensorflow: How to use dataset from generator in Estimator

tensor.numpy() not working in tensorflow.data.Dataset. Throws the error: AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'numpy'

Interleaving multiple TensorFlow datasets together

Sliding window of a batch in Tensorflow using Dataset API