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New posts in template-haskell

What manner of Haskell syntax is used in [$parseRoutes|/ Home GET|]?

Can Template Haskell generate multi-param typeclass instances?

haskell template-haskell

How to use getQ and putQ in template haskell?

Generating TExp using Template Haskell

haskell template-haskell

Multiple function definitions with template haskell

haskell template-haskell

Defining TH Lift instances for algebraic data types

haskell template-haskell

Is there a way how to enumerate all functions in a module using Template Haskell?

Local variables in Template Haskell declarations

haskell template-haskell

Serialization in Haskell

Calculate N-Ary (with different types !!) Cartesian Product in Haskell

Automatic derivation of Data.Vector.Unbox with associated type synonyms

Is there a way of deriving Binary instances for Vinyl record types using Derive and Template Haskell or otherwise

Standalone deriving declaration in Template Haskell quotation

Template Haskell error when using "deriving"

haskell template-haskell

Emitting warnings from Template Haskell splices

How to use Template Haskell to get the body of function?

haskell template-haskell

Why does TemplateHaskell cause GHC to load packages?

haskell template-haskell

Can't find inerface-file declaration for variable

haskell template-haskell

Why does Template Haskell allow arbitrary IO operations during compilation?