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New posts in task-parallel-library

Multiple Short-lived TPL Dataflows versus Single Long-Running Flow

How to disable Task Parallel Library's ETW EventSource in a Universal App?

Task.Run in a for loop

Task and Task.WaitAll with timeout exception handling

c# task-parallel-library

How to properly write a custom Task returning method

How do I create an Rx sequence by running tasks over original sequence's values?

.NET Compiler -- Are there nested loop optimizations built-in?

How do I cancel a Blocked Task in C# using a Cancellation Token?

Exception (sometimes) is thrown when awaiting a method with dynamic argument

Deadlocks when using BlockingCollection<T> and TPL dataflow together

How does MaxDegreeOfParallelism work?

How to properly implement asynchronicity in web api 2

TPL Dataflow block never completes on PropagateCompletion

What do I specify as the Dop parameter for ForEachAsync extension method?

Why throwing OperationCanceledException gets me different results?

c# task-parallel-library

Can this parallel async call be simplified?

What are the differences between TPL Dataflow(TDF) and Reactive Extensions?

Default SynchronizationContext vs Default TaskScheduler

Allow async method to be called only one instance at a time