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How do I cancel a Blocked Task in C# using a Cancellation Token?

I have a Task which is always blocked and I have a CancellationToken passed into it which is used to cancel the task. However the Continuation task is never executed which is set to execute on Task's cancellation. The code is:

    _tokenSrc = new CancellationTokenSource();
    var cnlToken = _tokenSrc.Token;

    Task.Run(() => 
          // _stream.StartStream() blocks forever  
          _stream.StartStream(), cnlToken)
        .ContinueWith(ant =>
            _logger.Warn("Stream task cancellation requested, stopping the stream");
            _stream = null;
            _logger.Warn("Stream stopped and task cancelled");
        }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnCanceled);

Later somewhere else in the code ...


The reason I had to use a Task for _stream.StartStream() is that this call blocks forever (an api on which I have no control, note that _stream refers to a thirdparty Api which streams data from a webservice) so I had to invoke it on another thread.

What is the best way to cancel the task?

like image 984
MaYaN Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 11:10


1 Answers


I changed the code to below which fixed the problem:

Task.Run(() =>
    var innerTask = Task.Run(() => _stream.StartStream(), cToken);
}, cToken)
.ContinueWith(ant =>
    _logger.Warn("Stream task cancellation requested, stopping the stream");
    _stream = null;
    _logger.Warn("Stream stopped and task cancelled");
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnCanceled);
like image 182
MaYaN Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10