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New posts in task-parallel-library

Threading, CultureInfo .net , TPL, PLINQ

Task Cancellation with multiple sources

What is the best way to wait on a network packet using C#'s new async feature

SqlConnection with Parallel programming

Implementing async timeout using poor mans async/await constructs in .Net 4.0

Cancellation of a task

PLINQ vs Tasks vs Async vs Producer/Consumer queue? What to use?

Performance of Task.ContinueWith in non-async method vs. using async/await

async await returning Task<List<T>> instead of List<T> on calling aync method

Difference between calling an async method and Task.Run an async method

Task swallows the exception thrown

Why is this Task not Finishing before my code passes the Wait Command

Why is the culture kept after ConfigureAwait(false)

C# Task Parallel Library and NHibernate/Spring.NET

TPL architectural question

Call method from a specific thread

Using dependencies on multiple threads with Parallel.ForEach

What in the Rx Framework allows me to return an IObservable<T> while awaiting other methods during creation?

Parallel.ForEach stalled when integrated with BlockingCollection

Call Thread.Sleep from the Task