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New posts in task-parallel-library

AsParallel() executing sequentially

How can I add timeout to this code [duplicate]

await and deadlock prevention - clarification?

Should I use ConfigureAwait(false) when awaiting IAsyncAction?

How to construct a TransformManyBlock with a delegate

Should I use CancellationTokenSource or CancellationToken to Cancel a task in .NET

Why does Parallel.For execute the WinForms message pump, and how to prevent it?

How to know if a task completed synchronously?

Task.Yield(); SyncAction(); vs Task.Run(()=>SyncAction());

TPL - Difference between MaxDegreeOfParallelism and MaximumConcurrencyLevel

Prioritized queues in Task Parallel Library

Convert IEnumerable<Task<T>> to IObservable<T>

Is TPL DataFlow included with either .NET 4.5 or .NET 4.5.1?

async method in C# not asynchronous?

Execute task with the CurrentCulture set to the Task creator CurrentCulture

How can I branch logic in TPL Dataflow?

Best practice for ITargetBlock<TInput>.Completion.ContinueWith()

How to make an application crash when a Task throws an exception without waiting the finalizer

Why doesn't AsyncUnaryCall<T> and others extend Task<T>?

BlockingCollection in Task Parallel Library does not automatically release the reference of the underlying instances