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New posts in task-parallel-library

Await Task.WhenAll() inside task not awaiting

ConcurrentDictionary is it threadsafe to edit the value after a GetOrAdd?

Threads spun with Task.Run always exit with exit code 259 [duplicate]

Task with event notification - .net 4

Task.WhenAll return list instead of array

Using statement in Task

How to correctly clean up after long running task is cancelled

Task synchronization without a UI thread

Performance counters for the TPL?

Factors for determining partitionCount for C# Partitioner.GetPartitions()

Wrap .NET Remoting async method in TPL Task

How to adapt a C++ std::future return value to a C# System.Threading.Tasks.Task?

What is the reason for Task.IsCompleted to use cached flags?

How to observe tasks that are not awaited due to failure in another awaited task in C#?

Asynchronous socket reading: the initiating thread must not be exited - what to do?

MonoTouch - Threading

handling exception in Tpl

Quartz.net + Task Parallel Library