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New posts in task-parallel-library

Using HttpClient.GetAsync to call Web API seems to hang

Why do TaskFactory.FromAsync() overloads require a state object to be supplied?

Should Task.Wait be deprecated?

Running method in the background and UI Thread WPF

How to verify that n methods are executing in parallel?

c# task-parallel-library

How to create never ending DataFlow Mesh with exception handling?

To run or not run ConfigureAwait(false) with both services and activities with Xamarin Android ver 8, .net Standard

how add tasks priority functionality

Explicitly specifying the TaskScheduler for an implicitly scheduled method

Linking dynamically created ActionBlocks to a BufferBlock

TPL Dataflow, alternative to JoinBlock limitations?

How to run C# Task Parallel Library across multiple machines (like a render farm)?

Adding a synchronous caching mechanism to an async method "transparently"

Run Multiple Tasks (Variable Number) in parallel and continue when all have finished

How to handle exceptions when using Task Parallel Library Task.WhenAny()

how can i force await to continue on the same thread?

Is it possible to change parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism during execution of a Parallel.ForEach

Passing a task as parameter

How can I assign a name to a task in TPL

What is the difference between Task<> and IAsyncOperation<>