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New posts in synthesize

Using FOR loop in VHDL with a variable

Is specifying ivar name to @synthesize considered redundant or a good practice?

Objective-C: id, accessing instance properties, synthesize?

objective-c synthesize

Why does Xcode 4 auto-generate a instance variable?

Proper way to use instance variables/property/synthetize with ARC [duplicate]

Do I need to include @synthesize?

objective-c synthesize

Boost Spirit Qi Custom Syntesized Attribute (Set a specific member of a struct attribute via a semantic action)

override getter only needs @synthesize

self.variableName vs. _variableName vs. @sysnthesize variableName [duplicate]

objective-c synthesize

Why do I need to write @synthesize when I provide getter and setter?

Auto property synthesize will not synthesize property - new warning iOS8.3

ios synthesize ios8.3

Auto property synthesis will not synthesize property declared in protocol -- which one? [closed]

Automatic @property synthesize not working on NSManagedObject subclass

Objective-C - readonly properties not synthesized with underscore ivar?

Under what conditions is @synthesize automatic in Objective-c?

objective-c llvm synthesize

Difference between _ and self. in Objective-C

When should I use @synthesize explicitly?

@synthesize vs @dynamic, what are the differences?