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New posts in symfony-forms

Unable to render the form because the block names array contains duplicates

Symfony2 form collection: How to remove entity from a collection?

Remove/unset form fields in Symfony2

My transformer doesn't work ( from model data to form data )

symfony symfony-forms silex

Modify url of a symfony form using parameters

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How to render a form with different themes in the same template in symfony 2

symfony twig symfony-forms

How to customize DataTransformer error message in Symfony?

Symfony Twig Form Theming of specific fields

Symfony EasyAdminBundle: Filter entities in assotiation field

Symfony EasyAdminBundle: Dql Filter entities in assotiation field on List not worrking

Symfony2 embedded form doesn't persist data to database

Setting default value on a Symfony2 radio button choice field

symfony symfony-forms

Skip validation if sibling (checkbox) field contains 'false'

symfony symfony-forms

Symfony Form with subform

One-to-one association in form?

Add custom options to symfony form

symfony symfony-forms

Grouping checkboxes in Symfony2

symfony symfony-forms