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New posts in symfony-2.1

set role for users in edit form of sonata admin

Doctrine Timestampable extension not persisting

Cannot get Symfony2 Eclipse plugin working

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Validation constraints do not trigger for registration form

doctrine2: undefined index - many-to-one with non default referencedColumnName does not persist entity

Twig_Error_Runtime exception with "url" function

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VichUploaderBundle and AvalancheImagineBundle

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How can I use efficiently paginate with doctrine in Symfony 2?

Getting the ACLs for another user than the current logged one in Symfony2?

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Symfony2 authenticating users through a webservice

Add extra information to the Symfony2 profiler timeline

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How do I edit user permissions in symfony 2 with a form?

Symfony2 is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') during 404 error page display, causing ResourceNotFoundException

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No encoder has been configured for account with fosUserBundle symfony2.1

JMSSerializerBundle. no control over third party meta data